A seasonal spell on an old favourite.
Who gets tired of eating roasted potatoes? Not us. But when you're facing a harvest feast, you need to impress. Our version casts a delicious spell on this classic fall side. 
3 pounds (6 medium sized ) thin-skinned potatoes, cleaned and cut in quarters
2 tbsp fresh Rosemary olive oil
1 tbsp fresh Garlic olive oil
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 425°F. In a large bowl add potatoes, olive oils and salt. Toss and coat evenly. Place potatoes on flat sheet pan (with sides). Roast a total of 45 to 50 minutes stirring every 15 minutes until potatoes are golden. Add pepper to taste. Serve with a drizzle of Garlic and Rosemary olive oil.