The best part of a homemade chocolate chip cookie is its moist, melt-in-the-mouth, gooey texture. By using extra virgin olive oil instead of butter, your cookies will retain that magical fresh-from-the-oven flavour, even days after you've baked them. And don't forget extra virgin olive oil is healthier than butter or processed vegetable oils.


3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup fresh EVOO
3/4 cup packed brown sugar (light or dark)
2 large eggs
tsp vanilla extract
tsp table salt
tsp baking soda
cups all-purpose flour
cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Line two baking sheets with parchment. In a large bowl add olive oil, vanilla, sugar and salt. Mix until smooth. Add eggs and blend again until smooth. In a small bowl whisk together flour and baking soda. Add to wet mix and blend until fully incorporated. Fold in chips. Using your hands, shape cookie dough into firm, round balls, roughly 2 tbsp each. There will be lots of chips poking through. Place balls two inches apart on baking sheets. Using the palm of your hand, gently flatten dough about half way. Place in oven until golden brown on the edges, about 10 to 12 minutes. For a chewier cookie bake for the lesser amount of time. Cool on baking sheet before placing on rack. Serve at room temperature. Optional: Sprinkle sea salt on each cookie. Have Espresso dark balsamic in small bowl for dipping.