Most classic cocktails share one thing in common: a ratio of 1 part sour, 1 part sweet and 2 parts alcohol. So it's no surprise that our Key Lime white balsamic makes the perfect drink since they provide sweet and sour.
One way to infuse your drinks with Key Lime is to make ice cubes. Fill your ice cube tray with Key Lime, freeze, and then add to a glass before pouring in your selected alcoholic beverage. Then add a generous splash of soda or sparkling water.
For a salty treat, we encourage you to rim your glass with our hand-harvested sea salts.
Place 2 teaspoons of any one of Key Lime white balsamic in a glass or shaker. Add ice, then add 2 teaspoons of your favourite vodka or gin, tequila or whiskey. Shake or mix well.